Imprisoner of Magic
Chapter 19x
Gaiden requirement: To unlock this chapter, the previous chapter must be completed in 15 turns or less. Chapter 19xx can be unlocked in Hector Mode if Kishuna was defeated in the previous chapter and if Nils was trained to level 7 or higher in Lyn Mode (it cannot be unlocked if Lyn Mode was skipped).
Conditions | New Units | ||||
| — |
Map Data
Player | Enemy | NPC |
12 | 23+8 | 0 |
Boss Data
AionLevel 4
Class | Inventory |
HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Con |
34 | 14 | 11 | 13 | 9 | 7 | 18 | 7 |
KishunaLevel 1
Class | Inventory |
HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Con |
52 | 2 | 2 | 25 | 0 | 14 | 2 | 7 |

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Obtainable Items
Item | Source |
Visit ruins | |
Dropped by enemy Mage (Hard Mode) | |
Dropped by enemy Brigand (Hard Mode) | |
Steal from enemy Pegasus Knight (Eliwood Hard Mode) | |
Steal from Aion (Hard Mode) |
- Before the player phase of turns 1 and 2: 1 Brigand spawns near the southwestern corner (Appendix 1).
- Before the turn 3 enemy phase, or when Aion is defeated: Kishuna, 2 Snipers, 2 Knights spawn from the fort near the gate (Appendix 2).
- Before the player phase of turns 8 to 12: 2 Mages spawn from the forts near the starting position (Appendix 3).

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