Victory or Death
Gaiden requirement: To unlock Chapter 32x (Hector Mode only), this chapter must be completed in 20 turns or less.
Conditions | New Units | ||||
Map Data
Player | Enemy | NPC |
16+2 | 24+131 | 0 |
Boss Data
LimstellaLevel 20
Class | Inventory |
HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Con |
70 | 26 | 22 | 18 | 0 | 21 | 25 | 4 |

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Obtainable Items
Item | Source |
Automatically at the start | |
Dropped by enemy Druid | |
Southeastern ruins | |
Central ruins | |
Dropped by Limstella |
Shop | Items/Price |
Secret Shop (Appendix 17) |
- This map has 4 reinforcement zones, refer to the appendix. Each set of reinforcements will appear immediately once you enter their zone, each set only spawns once.
- Red zone: 5 Nomad trooper spawn near the northwest (Appendix 2).
- Blue zone: 1 Bishop, 4 Monks spawn from the central fort (Appendix 3).
- Orange zone: 1 Sage, 4 Mages spawn from the southeastern corner (Appendix 4).
- Pink zone: 1 Druid, 7 Shamans spawn in front of the boss (Appendix 5).
- Before the player phase of turns 2 to 5: 1 Brigand spawns from the eastern mountains (Appendix 6).
- Before the player phase of turns 4 to 7: 1 Brigand spawns from the north (Appendix 7).
- Before the player phase of turns 7 to 10: 2 Valkyries spawn from the southeastern forts (Appendix 8).
- Before the player phase of turns 7, 8, 14 to 16: 7 Shamans, 1 Druid spawn in front of Limstella (Appendix 9).
- Before the player phase of turns 9 and 10: 1 General, 4 Knights spawn in front of Limstella (Appendix 10).
- Before the player phase of turns 9 to 12: 1 Wyvern Lord, 4 Wyvern Riders spawn from the eastern mountains (Appendix 11).
- Before the player phase of turns 9 to 12: 2 Falcon Knights, 4 Valkyries spawn near the northwestern ruins (Appendix 12).
- Before the player phase of turns 11 and 12: 1 Paladin, 4 Cavaliers spawn in front of Limstella (Appendix 13).
- Before the player phase of turns 12 to 14: 2 Cavaliers spawn from the southwestern forts (Appendix 14).
- Before the turn 13 player phase: 2 Cavaliers spawn from the central forts (Appendix 15).
- Before the player phase of turns 20 to 35: 2 Cavaliers spawn from the central forts; 2 Falcon Knights spawn from the northwestern forts; 2 Wyvern Riders, 2 Nomad Troopers spawn near the southeastern ruins (Appendix 16).
- There is a Secret Shop in this chapter, indicated by the red square in Appendix 17.
- Sophia makes an appearance in the southeastern ruins. She will have special dialogue if Hawkeye is the one visiting.
- The central ruins gives you Set's Litany, Nils will have special dialogue when visiting it.
- Limstella normally has her own Sage class with higher caps, but she is given the regular Sage (F) class on Hard Mode, lowering her defensive stats when compared to Normal Mode.

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