Night of Farewells
Chapter 28x
Gaiden requirement: To unlock this chapter, Nino must be recruited and have talked to Jaffar in the previous chapter, and both must have survived the previous chapter.
Conditions | New Units | ||||
Map Data
Player | Enemy | NPC |
14+1 | 28+29 | 0 |
Boss Data
SoniaLevel 10
Class | Inventory |
HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Con |
46 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 0 | 20 | 25 | 7 |

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Obtainable Items
Item | Source |
Steal from enemy Bishop | |
Steal from enemy Cavalier | |
Steal from enemy Hero (Normal Mode) | |
Steal from enemy Pirate (Normal Mode) | |
Steal from enemy Wyvern Lord (Normal Mode) | |
Steal from enemy Hero (Hard Mode) | |
Left northeastern chest | |
Middle northeastern chest | |
Right northeastern chest | |
Southern chest | |
Dropped by Sonia |
- Before the player phase of turns 2 to 4: 1 Cavalier, 1 Nomad spawn from the northern stairs (Appendix 1).
- Before the player phase of turns 3 to 6: 2 Wyvern Riders spawn from the southwestern stairs (Appendix 2).
- Before the player phase of turns 4 to 8: 1 Wyvern Rider spawns from the southwestern stairs (Appendix 3).
- Before the player phase of turns 10 to 16: 1 Cavalier spawns from the southern stairs (Appendix 4).
- Before the player phase of turns 11 to 14: 1 Falcon Knight, 2 Pegasus Knights, 3 Pirates spawn from the northwestern stairs (Appendix 5).
- Before the player phase of turns 13 to 16: 1 Thief, 2 Pirates, 1 Nomad spawn from the southern stairs (Appendix 6).
- Defeating the boss will stop all further reinforcements.
- Bridges on this map will spawn and despawn until turn 22, where they will permanently respawn.

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