Four-Fanged Offense (Lloyd)
Conditions | New Units | ||||
Map Data
Player | Enemy | NPC |
12+1 | 17+13 | 1 |
Boss Data
LloydLevel 12
Class | Inventory |
HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Con |
44 | 19 | 21 | 21 | 16 | 9 | 16 | 9 |

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Obtainable Items
Item | Source |
Dropped by enemy Sniper (Normal Mode) | |
Dropped by enemy Monk (Hard Mode) | |
Visit northern village | |
Visit southern village | |
Steal from enemy Myrmidon | |
Steal from enemy Mercenary (Hard Mode) |
Shop | Items/Price |
Armory, left |
Armory, right |
Vendor, left | |
Vendor, right | |
Secret Shop (Appendix 8) |
- Before the player phase of turns 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10: 2 Myrmidons spawn near the castle (Appendix 1). Note that the right Myrmidon will probably spawn above the ballista tile, since the nearby Sniper will occupy it.
- Before the turn 3 player phase: 1 Brigand spawns from the southeastern corner (Appendix 2).
- Before the player phase of turns 3 to 6: 1 Brigand spawns to the left of the castle (Appendix 3).
- Before the player phase of odd turns 3 to 9: 1 Myrmidon, 1 Monk spawn from the forts near the castle (Appendix 4).
- Before the player phase of turns 4, 6, 7: 2 Wyvern Riders spawn from the northwestern corner (Appendix 5).
- Before the player phase of turns 4, 5, 9, 10, 11: 2 Monks spawn from the forts near the starting position (Appendix 6).
- Before the player phase of turns 7 to 9: 2 Monks, 1 Myrmidon, 1 Mercenary spawn along the western border near the starting position (Appendix 7).
- There is an Arena on this map.
- You will play this chapter if your lords' combined levels are below 50.
- This map has fog of war, with a default sight distance of 3 tiles.
- There is a Secret Shop in this chapter, indicated by the red square in Appendix 8.
- Lloyd has an A support with Linus, who does not appear on this map.
- Lloyd will move to attack you if you enter his range.

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